What to expect
The vaccinations and medication you will need for your travel are dependent on the areas you will visit, time of travel and itinerary.
Here at tropivax, we will offer you an individualised travel health plan based on your needs. Our experienced nurses will consider any past and current medical conditions and medication. We will use a health professional database which is updated daily to ensure that you have the best advice available.
How many appointments will I need and what will it cost?
Initially you will be offered a consultation with one of our nurses.
You will be advised of the vaccines that are compulsory as well as those recommended and our nurses will discuss the benefits of these vaccinations with you.
We stock all travel vaccinations, including the rarer ones and will be able to start your immunisations at your initial consultation.
Some vaccines require you to have a course of either two or three and these can be given at the clinic in an appointment that is suitable for you.
*The cost of the initial consultation will be £15 which will be waivered if you receive vaccinations or malaria tablets from us.